The Weaving of Hmaram
The Hmaram is one of the oldest patterned textiles of the Mizo tribe. A single loom width fabric, made from handspun indigo-dyed and natural white cotton, Hmaram is admired for its intricate motifs, which are mostly inspired by nature. Woven on a loin loom or handloom, the Hmaram textile requires highly skilled weavers, who incorporate the designs and motifs by using supplementary yarns while weaving. The process of weaving this textile is a little complex. Typically, a white thread is used as warp and a black thread as the weft. The cloth is woven in such a manner that it does not show any white color, except in the motifs. The Mizo craftsmen are deeply influenced by the flora around them and try to replicate it in their textiles. Majority of the industry and manufacturing units of Hmaram are located in Aizwal, the capital of Mizoram.